First Aid at Work


This course is suitable for people who need to provide first aid by responding to a wide range accidents, injuries and illnesses that they could encounter in their workplace.

Learners will develop the first aid skills and confidence to help someone who:

  • is unresponsive and breathing
  • is unresponsive and not breathing, including how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • is choking
  • is bleeding
  • is suffering from shock
  • has burns
  • feels faint
  • has been poisoned
  • has a head injury
  • has hypothermia or heat exhaustion
  • has an injury to a bone, muscle or joint (including spinal injuries).

Learners will also be able to help a casualty who is having a:

  • seizure
  • heart attack, including the administration of aspirin
  • angina attack
  • stroke
  • asthma attack
  • severe allergic reaction
  • diabetic emergency.

The course also includes information on:

  • assessing a casualty
  • monitoring a casualty
  • where to get help
  • electrical incidents
  • accident recording and reporting
  • the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH).




[fusion_accordion type=”” boxed_mode=”” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” background_color=”” hover_color=”” divider_line=”” title_font_size=”” icon_size=”” icon_color=”” icon_boxed_mode=”” icon_box_color=”” icon_alignment=”” toggle_hover_accent_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””][fusion_toggle title=”01. Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of a First-Aider” open=”no”][/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”02. Assessing an Incident” open=”no”][/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”03. Managing an Unresponsive Casualty” open=”no”][/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”04. Recognising and Assisting a Choking Casualty” open=”no”]

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[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”05. Managing a Casualty – External Bleeding and Shock” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”06. Managing a Casualty – Minor Injury” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”07. Conducting a Secondary Survey” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”08. A Casualty with Injuries to their Bones, Muscles and Joints” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”09. A Casualty with Head and Spinal Injuries” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”10. A Casualty with Suspected Chest Injuries” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”11. A Casualty with Burns and Eye Injuries” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”12. A Casualty with Sudden Poisoning or Anaphylaxis” open=”no”]

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”13. A Casualty with a Major Illness” open=”no”][/fusion_toggle][/fusion_accordion]

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